Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Promised Pics

I know I promised photos, but I didn't want to frighten any of you. I was waiting to get some nice glamor shots of the old lady, but I think she really needs a face lift first (or perhaps major reconstructive surgery, as you'll soon see)! I love all the little details, though, like the built-in twist ringer on the door and the skeleton keys (that have survived 85+ years of misplacement and are still hanging on a little hook in the kitchen ;-).

The Good
(Okay, I had to photoshop her portrait just a little to smooth over some blemishes)
Good bones, deep porch, large lot, many windows
Three fireplaces..........French doors
Built in china cabinet..........Fabulous original kitchen

The Bad
Dirty, dated bathroom..........Odd paint choices

The Ugly
Horrible laundry room..........Water damage (and clutter!)

The Potential
Great future foyer focal point..........Gardening galore
Future master suite!..........Jeff's Man Cave
(oh, the possibilities)


  1. You're right; she's easy to fall in love with, despite her workable blemishes. What a great opportunity! Thanks for sharing...looking forward to see your progress.

  2. There is some great potential. It may look daunting to most of us, but for the two of you, I know you'll make it beautiful.

  3. Ditto....oh the possibilities!!!

  4. Thanks guys! I knew my fellow frugal friends would see the potential. It's been heartening to hear some of the workmen from whom I've gotten estimates says what a showplace it could be once fixed up (and equally discouraging to have a few ask if the place is condemned or if I've bitten off more than I can chew)!

    Jeff gave a message on tohu and bohu shortly after we bought our first old house, and it was a great analogy. I love taking an abandoned and abused item back to its former glory, back to the way the creator intended it to be. Jeff and I think of it as good practice!
