Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rockin' Robin

My tree trimmer friend brought me more than just wood chips yesterday! I've been getting free loads of wood chips delivered for the landscape beds the last few days. When I went out to meet the truck Tuesday morning, the workman climbed out with a tiny baby bird on his shoulder. He said he found it while picking up some brush at the previous job site, so there's no telling if the nest was destroyed in a downed tree or if it came to be on the ground for some other reason. But since he was working, he asked if I would take it.

My mom frequently rescued baby birds when I was younger, so I've had a bit of experience with it. But sadly, the death rate seems rather high. I can only remember one baby making it, but I suppose the principle is more in the caring and trying than in the success. So, of course, I took little Robin and we're trying to make a go of it.

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She (I don't have any idea how to sex a baby bird, but since all our other avian friends are female, I guess she can be, too); anyway, she is very active and healthy and doesn't seem frightened. She peeps a lot and likes to sit on a finger or shoulder. She takes food well and produces nice, plump stool, so perhaps she has a fighting chance. We'll see!

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  1. How did your little birdie friend do in the end?

  2. She did quite well, I think. I fed her chick starter mash on a toothpick and freeze-dried mealworms for several days. She started flying around the house and then I transitioned her to a low branch of a tulip magnolia outside. We think we saw her for a week or two after that, so hopefully she made it!
