We're done! No more plumbers, no more tiler, no more handyman trim guy helper dude, no more contractor. They are all paid and gone home, leaving us to enjoy our bright, new, luxurious bathroom on the second floor.
We're looking forward to light-filled morning routines and long evening soaking rituals. No more squishing between the tub and toilet. No more ducking the medicine cabinet when someone needs toothpaste. No more foggy mirrors. No more slanted floor. No more balancing act to get the blow dryer and curling iron on the pedestal sink simultaneously. That bathroom still exists downstairs, of course; we just don't have to be subjected to it multiple times per day.
Granted, when I say done, I mean as finished as any project in the Evans' household ever is these days. We still plan to do the wainscoting (which was to be completed over winter break, back when we naively thought a six week project by professionals wouldn't take four months), maybe some crown moulding (if we can figure out how to handle the awkward little space above the windows), the matching lantern over the tub, a second coat of paint and some shelves in the niche, a doorknob, and accessories. But it's usable, and that's done enough in my book! So, here are some additional photos:
And, because Jeff insists a bathroom needs privacy for some reason, here's a night shot with the cafe curtains I hung. When I can stomach the expense, I'd like to install top-down, bottom-up cellular shades, but these are cute and cheap for the time being.
We're so excited and relieved to be at this point. There were days I thought it would never end, and nights I feared my vision had run amok. But the pangs are over and I would do it all again! Oh, that's right, I still have two more bathrooms to go. And three bedrooms, and a staircase, and Jeff's study, and ...I'll definitely be needing a relaxing bubble bath in that clawfoot tub!